Test message.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
This sermon for the second Sunday of Advent focuses on the fact that we are celebrating JESUS' birth. Not just any birth. And that because of the salvation available to us through Him as Savior, we have much to celebrate. "Jesus- Our Savior - Our Salvation" reminds us that our sinfulness was the reason Jesus came and thus the reason for the season. (click here) http://www.seaviewbaptist.com/podcast/20071209.mp3
Monday, December 03, 2007
This first Sunday of Advent our focus was on Luke 3:7-18,21-23. The sermon title "C and E Christians" noted that often "C and E" Christians are those people who only show up in church on Christmas and Easter. The holiday rituals are for the most part only rituals devoid of any life to them, and thus not really "holy days." Since we served communion on this Sunday, the sermon points out that communion reminds us that the baby born on Christmas is the same one who grew to become a man and was crucified and then rose again on Easter. Communion connects the C and E. Yes, "C and E Christians" are also those who know that the reason for the "C" was that the "E" event might bring us salvation. (click here) http://www.seaviewbaptist.com/podcast/20071202.mp3
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Today's Thanksgiving sermon "The Attitude of Gratitude" is based on Psalm 100:4, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and come into His courts with praise; give thanks unto him and praise his holy name." This sermon focuses on ways we are challenged to be thankful to God in today's world. Stories are shared that highlight that challenge. Also we are reminded that there are times when God uses our disappointments and failures to draw us closer to Him, so that we might experience Him in a supportive and new way. Thanksgiving is about Him and His love for us, and not necessarily the blessings we've received from Him (click here) http://www.seaviewbaptist.com/podcast/20071118.mp3
Monday, November 05, 2007
Today's sermon is based on Matthew 14:22-39 the story of the Jesus walking on the water and the disciples in the storm tossed boat. The sermon focuses on "the Crippling Power of Fear." The listener is challenged to find where they are in the story as they reflect on how it intersects their spiritual journey. Several options are suggested. The central theme is that God faithfulness to be with us through the storms of life is certain. Stories are shared and snapshots from the text are explored to reinforce the theme. (click here) http://www.seaviewbaptist.com/podcast/20071104.mp3
Monday, October 29, 2007
Todays sermon has a "missions" focus in support of our World Mission Offering emphasis today. Using St. Paul's defense before King Agrippa in Acts 26:13-23 as the foundation for a call to serving the Kingdom of God, Paul says he was sent to serve and to witness by bringing light into darkness and the power of God to replace the power of Satan. The sermon shows that such a call has also been received by our missionaries tody in far away places. It also points out the today's missionaries flesh out Hudson Taylor's comment to "Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God" Six video clips are used to show and tell in the missionaries own words how God is using them and making a difference in the world today. (click here) http://www.seaviewbaptist.com/podcast/20071028.mp3
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Today's sermon "Words to Live by," invites the listener to reflect upon a Scripture passage that they have found especially meaningful; that is one that has become for you a "word to live by." Then to think about "when" that verse became significant for you. Tow such words (or verses) are found in today's scripture reading from Romans 8:12-32. specifically romans 8:18 and 8:28 are explored for their ability to help in times of trouble, suffering and disppointment. (click here) http://www.seaviewbaptist.com/podcast/20071021.mp3