Seaview Podcasts

These Podcasts are from the Sunday Worship services at the Seaview Baptist Church in Linwood, NJ - Rev. Paul Aiello, Jr. Pastor

Monday, October 30, 2006

Today we were blessed to have a guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Reid Trulson, speak about the work of our missionaries as part of the World Mission Offering emphasis. He spoke on Ephesians 3:20-21 and titled his message "Three surprises in Mission" and reminded us that our God is willing and able to do far more than we can even imagine. He spoke of the ways God is being glorified in Thailand and Cambodia through the faithful efforts of our missionaires there. Indeed, in ways we never could have planned or imagined ourselves. (click here)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

This sermon, "Who Switched the Price Tags" based on Mark 10:35-45, considers how the value system of the person committed to Christ differs from the person who does not know Him. Jesus said He "came to serve not be served." The challenge of the Christian life today is to live a life of service to the Lord by serving others. However our culture values "self" above "service." An extensive illustration is taken from the current movie, "The Guardian" in exploring this theme. (click here)

Monday, October 23, 2006

This sermon is based on Mark 10:17-31. The title "A Step of Faith" speaks to the issue that the "rich young man" had to face. Namely, that though he'd led an exemplary life by observing many of the laws "from his youth." he was still lacking in one area. That was the area of his "relationship" with God. Evidently, his goodness was based on ritual and rules, not on his love for God. Jesus suggested that the man's possessions possessed him and thus another step was to be taken before he could know what eternal life was all about. He asked him to take a step of faith. So too,we are asked if we are willing to give "all" to him and to follow him, no matter what. (click here)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This sermon, "Comfort Received, Comfort Given" is on the theme of "encouragement." It's based on the text 2 Corinthians 1:3-7. The word comfort is used 6 times in this text. Another translation for that word is "encourage." The Truth of our Christian experience is that God comforts us in many ways, and we are challenged to be comforters (encouragers) of one another as we seek to live God honoring lives. (click here)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This sermon from Oct 1, 2006 is based on the Gospel readng from Mark 9:38-50. It's titled "Random Acts for Good or Ill." Jesus disciples find themselves telling Jesus that they've stopped a man from healing another man in Jesus name. Their reason was that "he was not one of us." Such an attitude reflects the mistaken notion that only Jesus disciples have the Truth and can be used of God. Jesus' answer, "If they are not against us, then they are for us," shows an open attitude to the power of God to use any and all people who place themselves in His hands for good. The challenge is for us not to errect barriers where Jesus is building bridges. (Click here)