Seaview Podcasts

These Podcasts are from the Sunday Worship services at the Seaview Baptist Church in Linwood, NJ - Rev. Paul Aiello, Jr. Pastor

Monday, January 29, 2007

Today's sermon is based on the scripture readings from Isa. 6:1-8 and Luke 5:1-11. Each identifies a "call" in the life of one of God's people of faith; Isaiah and Simon Peter respectively. The audio begins with a brief musical interlude of "Thy Word is a Lamp unto my
Feet." In this sermon we explore the situation Isaiah and Peter find them selves in as they realize they are in the Presence of the Divine. They each realize their utter humanness and sinfulness in the face of such Awesomeness. In each case they experience forgiveness and are given a call to serve the Lord. Peter is called to become a fisher or men. Each is assured that God will be with them to encourage them along the way. Such a call and promise is available to us today as well. The sermon closes with a video clip (which you can only hear) of a coach challenging his team (and one specific player who displays a defeatist attitude even before the game starts) to give their best. He has the apathetic player do an exercise called the death crawl (this is where the player walks on all fours (hands and feet) without letting his knees touch the ground while he carries another player on his back.) The challenge is to do 50 yards...but most players can only do 30 yards. When the player finally ends the challenge he has gone 100 yards because of the continual motivations of the coach. The video is called "WHOLEHEARTED" and is from sermonspice dot com. (click here)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Today's sermon is based on Luke 4:31-37, the story of Jesus' visit to Capernaum. While he teaches there the people begin to sense that his teachings have authority and power. The message explores the "authority figures" in our lives, and what it means for Jesus to have authority in a person's life today. Is Jesus merely a kind of "rabbit's foot," or "Aladin's lamp" in our lives, or is he really Lord? It's not hard to tell, just look at your levels of committment to him with your time, talents, treasure. (click here)

Monday, January 15, 2007

This sermon is based on the text from Luke 4:14-22 which describes Jesus' first public appearance and statement in this Gospel. Jesus goes to the synagogue, reads from the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2 and then proclaims "Today" this Scriptuer is fullfilled. The sermon explores the importance of the concept "today", what it menas in the text, how it's used of Jesus in other parts of Luke, and it's implications for how we live in the world "today". It's a call to action now, a call to realize that every day is a "today" when Jesus is present. (click here)

Monday, January 08, 2007

On this first Sunday of the new year we reflected on John 1:1-14. John's Gospel differs from Matthew Mark and Luke in that it presents Jesus as the resurrected Christ. And it indicates the cosmic nature of the Savior who was involved in the very creation of the world. John tells us that this Christ was neither recognized nor received by most. However, he was received by some who believed and those who believed became "Children of God." We noted too that the most profound theological statement in the entire Gospel is in verse 14. "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us..." That's the Good News we need for this new year. (click here)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

On this last day of 2006 we welcomed Mr. Don Smith as our guest speaker. Don is the executive director of Baptist Camp Lebanon. Seaview Baptist supports the ministry of the Camp as it seeks to influence children's lives in the name of Jesus. Don shared with us some of the ways God is at work through the Camp and thereby extending the impact of Seaview though it's mission support to the Camp. (Click Here)