This is the 5th sermon in the series of "SEVEN WAYS TO MAKE SPACE IN YOUR LIFE FOR GOD." The spiritual practice esplored is "Hearing from God." The focus is on the role of Bible Study in the life of the believer. Bible Study engages the mind to discern what God said to the people of the Bible so that we might better understand what it means for us today. In the process of doing Bible Study, which must be intentional, we experience the living Christ and hear His will for us today. Three methods of doing Bible Study are highlighted. Each of them asks key questions of the scriptures. Also, Bible Study is differentiated from "devotional reading" of the scriptures. (click here)
Monday, March 26, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
We continue in the series of "SEVEN WAYS TO MAKE ROOM IN YOUR LIFE FOR GOD" by considering the spiritual practice of "community." It seems life today is designed for privacy and lonliness in our society. There is a push-pull experience of wanting to be part of a group, but at the same time being wary due to "trust" issues and the risk of being vulnerable. Yet, the Bible is filled with directions for us to be involved in "one-anothering." The idea being, that as we "encourage one another," "love one another," "bear with one another," in communities of faith that care for one another, we'll not only find our identity in Christ, but we'll also come to know the Lord more fully. The Christian faith is not a solo act. (click here)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
This is the third in the Lenten series "Seven Ways to Make space in Your Life for God." The first two ways (disciplines) included 1. Worship, 2. Slowing Down. This message focuses on the practice of "Detachment." Letting Go and Letting God. That is relinquishing those things in our lives that we feel form our identity and finding our ultimate identity in Christ. The text is Luke 12:13-21, the parable of the rich fool who found his identity in his possessions and declared that his real problem was one of storage for his goods, rather than his understanding of the purpose of his having those goods. This sermon is about our accumulating of "stuff" , building more and more places to store our stuff, and then thinking that our "stuff" defines who we are. (Click here)
Monday, March 05, 2007
This is the second message in the series "Seven Ways to Make Space in Your Life for God." Using the letter "O" from the word "WORSHIP" we focus on "Openness to God." Although there are many spiritual disciplines we may practice to achieve "openness," we focus on "Slowing Down" in this message.
The reality of life today is that we live a true 24/7 existence that is hard to escape. Our lives are too crowded and we're in a "hurry mode" all the time. This sermon proclaims that just as we cannot cultivate relationships with people without taking the time, similarly we cannot cultivate a friendship with God "on the go." This makes "slowing down" a spiritual issue and practice. What are the benefits and implications of slowing down for the believer? What are some easy ways of slowing down that can remind us of this spiritual need in our lives? (click here)