Seaview Podcasts

These Podcasts are from the Sunday Worship services at the Seaview Baptist Church in Linwood, NJ - Rev. Paul Aiello, Jr. Pastor

Monday, May 21, 2007

Today's message was on Psalm 23. A vivid portrayal of God as a shepherd to a shepherd. A timely reminder of God's protection, guidance, and provision for those in his care. The psalmist's declaration is further reinforced as we remember that Jesus was known as "the good shepherd." Just as a shepherd goes ahead of the sheep to spot dangerous terrian or to keep the sheep safe from poisonous plants, scorpions and wild animals, so to does our Lord watch out for us. Indeed, he persus us with goodness and mercy (unfailing love) all the days of our lives. (click here)

Monday, May 14, 2007

This sermon is based on Psalm 130. As we walk through the Psalm, we move from his "crying out from the depths" to his ultimate deliverance in "in your Word do I hope." It's about the journey from disappointment to deliverance. The psalmist senses his alienation from God, and then upon reflection realizes God is a God of forgiveness. This gives him hope that the relationship can be restored. Indeed, he believes that the hope he has is also a hope that is available to all God's people. Truly, our ultimate hope is in the faithfulness of our God to keep us in the palm of His hand. (click here)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Today's sermon is based on Psalm 32 and is titled "Becoming Right with God." It's the first in a three part series on the Psalms. In this Psalm the writer realizes that there are times when he feels his spirit is heavy and his energy is sapped. He realizes that the cause of this is his distance from God and that God has given him an antidote. Prayer and more specifically confession can lead to the renewed sense of freedom and forgiveness he craves. When forgivenss is experienced, his spirit soars, he realizes how blessed he truly is, and joy returns to his life.

This can be our experience as we spend time reflecting on, responding to and resting in the thoughts of this Psalm. Read it over several times and allow it to minister to your spirit with it's profound truth. (click here)