Seaview Podcasts

These Podcasts are from the Sunday Worship services at the Seaview Baptist Church in Linwood, NJ - Rev. Paul Aiello, Jr. Pastor

Monday, June 25, 2007

This is the 4th in the series "UNWRAPPING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS." 4. Deploying Yours... This sermon reminds us that after we discover and develop our spiritual gifts the challenge is to use them, practice them, deploy them for building up the kingdom of God and the church of Jesus Christ. It's suggested that we study the gifts, pray for guidance as to how when and where he wants us to use the gifts. Testing the waters is suggested. The learning curve is also described with 4 parts to it: "I don't know that I don't know," to "I know that I don't know," to "I know that I know," and finally to "I don't know that I don't know."

St. Paul suggests that the right way to use the gifts you have is "in love" and "to the glory of God." A video clip of a scene from EVAN ALMIGHTY is used in the sermon to demonstrate that God wants us to use the gifts in situations that call out for that gift to be used. If your gift is 'service" God doesn't zap you with a service gene, but rather puts you in a position or circumstance where you can use it if you choose to. May your gifts be used always for the building up of the Kingdom of God through the Church. (click here)

Monday, June 18, 2007

The third sermon in the series "UNWRAPPING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS" focuses on developing your gifts. When you became a Christian you received a spiritual inheritance unique to you for service to the Lord. Your inheritance is in the form of "spiritual gifts" that equip you as part of the body of Christ. As you discover and develop your gifts, you can then use them for the building up of the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God on earth. DEVELOPING YOUR GIFTS reminds us that we are not on a "cruise ship" but rather a "battleship". We're not just along for the ride to have fun, but every person onboard has a specific function or purpose that will help the "ship" reach it's destination and fulfill it's mission. (click here)

Monday, June 11, 2007

This is the 2nd sermon in the series "UNWRAPPING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS". The title is "Discovering Yours." It's based on Romans 12:3-8, and the seven motivational gifts described by Paul. Wach of the seven gifts is described, an "inventory of gifts" was made avaialbe to everyone present. The inventory asked 70 questions which when answered helps a person discover their gift mix. The sermon also reminds us of the importance of discovering your gift mix. The goal is to become the person God has created you to be by serving in ways that will bring you fulfillment and fruitfulness as you do your part to build up the body of Christ. (click here)

Monday, June 04, 2007

"UNWRAPPING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS" is the title of this series of sermons during June. Today we begin the process of understanding, discovering, developing and deploying our "spiritual gifts" to strengthen our faith and to build up the body of Christ, the Church.

This sermon is based on Ephesians 4:6-8; I Cor 12:1; and 1 Peter 4:10-11. The Ephesians passage identifies the role of the pastor/teacher as one of "equipping the people of God for works of service in building up the Church of God." One first step in that effort is to understand that when we became Christians God gave each of us "spiritual gifts" to be used for His service.

The challenge of every believer is to learn what one's spiritual gifts are, and then to develop them and use them to strengthen the Church. Indeed true satisfaction, fulfillment and fruitfulness comes only as one uses his/her "gifts" in service to God. When we don't serve out of our "gift mix" we easily get burnt out and find little satisfaction in our acts of service. This first sermon in the series is titled, "WE ALL HAVE GIFTS... TO GIVE." (click here)

Friday, June 01, 2007

This Memorial Day weekend sermon is by the Rev. Richard Wingate. It's entitled, "Here I Raise My What?... (My Ebenezer!) The sermon focuses on the importance of remembering. The people of God in the Old Testament "remembered" God's hand at work in their journey to the promised land and time and time again were called to remembering God's ongoing faithfulness.

The Memorial Day tie-in challenges us to also remember the blessings that are ours today because of the sacrifices of others willing to die for their country and who are dying even today to preserve our freedoms. Of course, remembering the cost of our salvation is what empowers us to remain faithful to the God who created us and sent His Son to give His life for us. (click here)