Seaview Podcasts

These Podcasts are from the Sunday Worship services at the Seaview Baptist Church in Linwood, NJ - Rev. Paul Aiello, Jr. Pastor

Monday, April 30, 2007

This sermon, "Overcoming Doubt" explores the experiences of the disciples from the evening of the resurrection (Sunday Night) through the next week of their life together. The reality of getting stuck in a "Sunday Night mentality" when the disciples saw Jesus being crucified, then hearing rumors of his resurrection, but having no experience yet of the risen Christ caused them to live in fear. John 20:19-31 explores the journey from doubt and fear to joy and faith. A spiritual journey we're all on daily. As you listen to this sermon reflect on your own journey of overcoming doubt and finding a certainty of the presence of the living Christ in your life. (click here)

Monday, April 23, 2007

"God's Surprises" is a sermon about how God used an ordinary person to do an extraordinary thing. It's based on Acts 9:1-20 where the call of Saul (St. Paul) is first described and the role of Ananias is revealed. Ananias appeared ready to be used by God until he learned of the task and then he declared "You must be kidding. You're not serious are you?" We too, appear ready to serve, and then find excuses for not serving, being faithful or obedient. However, Ananias undergoes a transformation and eventually answers God's call to serve. In so doing, he goes to Saul and greets him as "Brother Saul." Truly a step of faith for him as he is used by God in a very special way. (click here)

Monday, April 16, 2007

This sermon is based on 2 Corinthians 5:16-20. "A New Creation." Guest speaker, Rev. John Jamieson, speaks about what happens to the believer upon one's profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Monday, April 09, 2007

This Easter Sunday sermon completes the series "Seven Ways to Make Space in Your Life for God." The focus is on the spiritual discipline of "Prayer". The 5 postures of prayer are discussed and suggested as ways to enhance your prayer experience; the 4 kinds of prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication are explored as additional ways to expand your prayer repetoire. And the practice of "breath prayers" is taught and experienced. Breath prayers have two parts: as you breathe in you think of a Biblical Word for God (Lord, Shepherd Divine Healer are some suggestions) As you breathe out you think of and pray a God-given desire (have mercy on me, fill my mind with your love, grant me peace of mind, etc.)
The traditional historic "Jesus Prayer" Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. is one such breath prayer. Many others are suggested and practiced during this sermon. Breath prayers can be for your self or for others. they are designed to bring you into the presence of the Lord. They bring a deep sense of nearness to God. they are brief simple prayers of "being" rather than "doing." (click here)

Monday, April 02, 2007

"Incarnating the love of Christ" is the topic for today. The spiritual discipline of "compassion" is explored in the life and ministry of Jesus. In many of the verses that describe Jesus' compassion we see the three step process of : He saw; He felt their pain; He took action. As we seek to make space in our lives for God through the discipline of compassion we learn that though there are many ways we can reach out to others and provide for their need; Jesus saw the crowds of people from a spiritual perspective.

Today's text is Matthew 9:35-38 where "Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them because they were harrassed and helpless, as sheep without a shepherd." It was their aimlessness, confusion, frustration and oppression that drew his compassion. It was their spiritual amnesia that caused him to want to touch their lives with his gift of faith. (click here)