Seaview Podcasts

These Podcasts are from the Sunday Worship services at the Seaview Baptist Church in Linwood, NJ - Rev. Paul Aiello, Jr. Pastor

Monday, April 02, 2007

"Incarnating the love of Christ" is the topic for today. The spiritual discipline of "compassion" is explored in the life and ministry of Jesus. In many of the verses that describe Jesus' compassion we see the three step process of : He saw; He felt their pain; He took action. As we seek to make space in our lives for God through the discipline of compassion we learn that though there are many ways we can reach out to others and provide for their need; Jesus saw the crowds of people from a spiritual perspective.

Today's text is Matthew 9:35-38 where "Jesus saw the crowds and had compassion on them because they were harrassed and helpless, as sheep without a shepherd." It was their aimlessness, confusion, frustration and oppression that drew his compassion. It was their spiritual amnesia that caused him to want to touch their lives with his gift of faith. (click here)


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